Multi-Profile Trim Rollformer (Multi Trim)  

Roll Forming Machines

Multi-Profile Trim Rollformer (Multi Trim)

Multi Trim Rollforming machine is able to quickly rollform many profiles on the same machine with outstanding advantages:

  • Save 20 times the cost and production time compared to the folding, press-braking bending method for standard workshop accessories such as gable trims, corner trims, drip trims, canopy flashings, ridge caps, gutters, louver.
  • Save factory area
  • Limit damage caused by workmanship.
  • Rollforming 4 to 6 profiles on a machine with perfect profiles. Especially, the edges are hemmed 180° to enhance aesthetics, increase rigidity and safety for steel erection workers.


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Let Ameco know the profile(s) that you want us to make machine(s) for, we will make it become reality!


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